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Special Issue Article Open Access

A Cluster Based Group Management Using Zone Leader Allocation In Manet


In this paper, we proposed an algorithm for Cluster Based Zone Allocation method (CBZA) for energy conservation and packet dropping in Mobile Ad hoc Network. MANET is a self-organized, temporarily dynamic network and their nodes are mobile without using any infrastructure. However, secure communication occurs between group nodes based on cluster method. In multicast routing, group information is shared by a sender to multiple receivers through many paths which are coordinate with each other. In our method, a set of nodes are located into four regions and a Zone Leader (ZL) is allocated to every region in the network. While packet transmission takes place through the Zone Leader and this is the main process in group management. Finally, the performance of each region is calculated.

K. Senthil Kumar, Dr. S. Sasi Kumar, Dr. C. Sugapriya

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