ISSN ONLINE(2320-9801) PRINT (2320-9798)
A Combined Approach Using IoT and Cloud for the Efficient Data Retrieval in Medical Technology
IoT is one of the most rapid development technology and it helps to connect numerous smart objects via the internet. Recently numerous researchers found that there is a heterogeneous problem of the data in the IoT platform. There is a rapid use of IoT technology in the real time applications leads to store and access data is difficult and time consuming process. Hence the proposed solution shows that how the real time data can be easily stored and retrieve without any difficulty at easy manner. Here it is clearly shown that how the data can be collected, processed, and integrated for the IoT data flexibility mainly for the use of real time and medical emergency services. The results show that storage and retrieval is very effective in the complicated real time distributed heterogeneous environment.
Shaik Hussain S I
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