ISSN ONLINE(2320-9801) PRINT (2320-9798)
A Comparative Study of Routing Protocols vs Energy Consumption in MANETs
A Mobile Ad-hoc Network(MANET) is a dynamic self configuring network that can be formed without the presence of an trusted, pre configured infrastructure or platform. Various protocols have been developed for the purpose of communication between the nodes in MANET. Since the nodes are in constant motion it is challenging to achieve communication among the nodes reliably. Energy is spent while transmission and reception of information. The intermediate nodes act as router and forward the data and lose energy. Hence energy consumption is one of the main quality of service considered in this paper along with Packet Delivery Fraction(PDF), Throughput and end to end delay. Simulation is performed considering the four main routing protocols in MANET i.e AODV, AOMDV, DSDV and DSR. The simulation results show that the PDF of DSR is high while the energy consumption of DSDV is less. Hence a new protocol E-DSR( Energy – Dynamic Source Routing) is being implemented to achieve high packet delivery fraction along with low energy consumption.
Sherikar Krishna Reddy , Rakesh K , Sunil Rathod , Vinodha mohan
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