ISSN ONLINE(2319-8753)PRINT(2347-6710)
A Dynamic Reconcile Algorithm for Address Generator in Wimax Deinterleaver
In this paper a new reconcile algorithm for address generator supporting varying modulation schemes in the WiMAX deinterleaver is been put forward. WiMAX can be fixed or mobile, and uses forward error correction along with interleaving and deinterleaving techniques for combatting the transmissions errors. Interleaving and deinterleaving are inverse operations with varying complexity, with deinterleaving having upper hand. The address generator for the WiMAX deinterleaver supports QPSK, 16-QAM and 64-QAM modulation schemes in a dynamic manner thus making address generator circuitry in the deinterleaver complex and resource inefficient. In this paper the mobile WiMAX system which uses the deinterleaving system with a new high speed resource efficient algorithm for address generator is been proposed. The new algorithm for address generator is modelled using VHDL and FPGA parameter analysis are carried out with recent literatures.
Kavya J Mohan, Riboy Cheriyan
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