ISSN: 2322-0066

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Research Article Open Access

A Medium for Facilitating Hepatitis B Virus Detection and Replication of the Virus


In this study, we tested a chemical mixture causing hepatitis virus to grow in excessive amounts. We obtained this chemical mixture by disintegrating albumin and invertase enzymes separately in supercritical environments, using acidic methanol as solvent. Then we used this mixture as a medium for hepatitis B virus. The chemical mixture caused the hepatitis B virus to multiply almost 80-100 times after 120 minutes. The real surprising result of the study occurred after carrying out bacterial tests with the same chemical mixture, its effect on cancer cells were also investigated. But no effect was observed neither on cancer cells, nor on bacteria. In other word, we developed a specific medium for the hepatitis virus. In this way, we decided that a method that can reduce the detection limit of PCR device to 1 IU/mL could be developed. This study will be an important milestone in developing vaccines against viruses as well.

Afşin Kariper, Tuğba Demirc, Dilek Bahard, Ceylan Hepokure, Armağan Canerd, Müge Gülcihan Önald, Selma Gökahmetoğluf, Yusuf Tutarg

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