ISSN ONLINE(2320-9801) PRINT (2320-9798)
A Model Based Neuromuscular Blockade Control System with Injector
The proper neuromuscular blockade level during surgeries can be attained by providing a substantial amount of drug to patients. Patients differ from each other even if same patient is considered within span of time the same drug given to him/her will result differently under consideration of factors like age, weight, sex and other physical attributes. Apart from the physical attributes of patient, nature and composition of drug is a deciding factor for anesthetist. During the anesthesia, in traditional practice drugs are given to patients on the trial and error basis, this may leads to the patients in risk. The system aims to develop the automatic controller which provides robustness against the variability of patients’ response to drug dosage under uncertain circumstances. The proposed system aims to satisfy different important goals as: To calculate the amount of drug considering the physical attributes and to provide drug automatically to the patient. The database of 9 patients is considered under this work.
Roshan M.Bodile, Dr.S.M.Deshmukh, Prof.A.S.Patharkar
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