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Case Report Open Access

A Multidisciplinary Treatment Approach of a Maxillary Lateral Incisor with a Large Defective Restoration.


The outcome of root canal treatment depend not only on the efficiency of every endodontic procedure but also on subsequent coronal restoration which should be in harmonious relationship with contiguous hard and soft tissues. Teeth having large defective coronal restorations requiring root canal treatment pose difficulties not only during rubber dam application but also during subsequent restorative procedures. In this article, one such case of endodontically involved maxillary lateral incisor having extensive restoration is presented in which a multidisciplinary treatment approach was carried out in a sequential manner for functional and esthetic rehabilitation of the tooth.

Pishipati Vinayak Kalyan Chakravarthy, Gopu Chandran Lenin, Parithimar Kalaignan, and Jayashri Nerali Tamanna

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