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A New Matlab Simulation Interface Based on the Transmission Line Theory Approach to Design a Microstrip Parallel Coupled Band Pass Filters
This paper presents a new MATLAB interface calculator based on the transmission line theory approach to design a parallel coupled microstrip band pass filters (PCMBPF). All formulas of the PCMBPF are programmed using the closed-form mathematic expressions and the coupling matrix concept. The proposed new interface calculator allows scientist and engineers to obtain the whole parameters required to approximate the PCMBPF design parameters of this type of filters, providing a high precision and accuracy of numerical results with a reduced CPU time calculations. It should also be noted that, the proposed interface calculator could be developed to response to the authors demands for several planar filters with the similar characteristics.
Azzeddin Naghar, , Otman Aghzout, Jalal Naghar, Hafssaa Latioui and Mohamed Essaaidi
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