ISSN ONLINE(2319-8753)PRINT(2347-6710)
A Novel Compact EBG Structure for the Improvement of Microstrip Antenna Parameters
In this paper a new mushroom like electromagnetic band gap arrangement for development in antenna parameters is represented. The represented arrangement also gives an extra degree of liberty to regulate the band gap position, which is useful to design a new reconfigurable multiband EBG construction. The major purpose behind utilizing EBG structures in Microstrip Patch Antenna is to attain enhanced gain, effectiveness and isolations amongst array elements by restraint of surface wave modes.The major concept illustrated in this paper is by drawing numerous correct shapes in the metal surface of the mushroom-like compact EBG cell so as to initiate stop band in electromagnetic band gap arrangement. EBG structures includes two chief configurations, first EBG substrate and second EBG superstrate. In first case, the patch of antenna is enclosed with EBG arrangement that restrain the propagation of surface wave and in second case, layer of EBG structure that call EBG superstrate or metamaterial superstrate set beyond the patch of antenna. Simulated consequences authenticate the development in performance of the antenna array compared to the array antenna without EBG. From the simulated effects it is observable that radiation patterns are unaffected by EBG arrangements that are on the feedline and other antenna functioning parameters are developed by utilizing antenna with EBG arrangements. Ultimately EBG Patterns insertion in Microstrip Antenna increases the bandwidth of the antenna by placing the feedline below the center of the patch.
Siddhartha Pal, Kousik Roy, Atanu Nag, Adarsh Kumar Tiwary
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