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Research Article Open Access

A Novel PDA Technique with Feedback Technique for Buck Boost Converter.


A buck–boost converter with high efficiency and small output ripple to extend the battery life of portable devices. moreover, the hybrid buck–boost feed forward (HBBFF) technique is incorporated in this converter to achieve the fast line response. The new control topology minimizes the switching and conduction losses at the same time even when four switches are used. Therefore, over a wide input voltage range, the proposed buck–boost converter with minimizes switching loss like the buck or boost converter can reduce the conduction loss through the use of the reduced average inductor current (RAIC) technique. In this technique to improve the efficiency of predictable switched capacitor converters. The voltage boost ratio of the proposed converter is 2D, where D is the duty cycle of the switching signal waveform. Furthermore, the proposed structure utilizes pseudo current dynamic acceleration (PDA) techniques, to achieve fast transient response when load changes between heavy load and light load. The switching frequency of the proposed converter is 1 MHz for 3.3-V input and 1.0–4.5-V output range application. the transient response to within 2 μs and the total power conversion efficiency can be as high as 90%.

V.Abila, B.Vidya, G.Yuvaraj