ISSN ONLINE(2320-9801) PRINT (2320-9798)
A Probabilistic Misbehavior Detection Scheme in DTN: Survey
Delay/ Disruption Tolerant Networking (DTN) program is an emerging technology that can facilitate access to information when secure end-to-end paths cannot exist.Disruption tolerant network is a different type of wireless network. It is an intermittently connected mobile network. Delay tolerant network adopts a store carry-andforward mechanism, of which all the participants are assumed to cooperate with one another in message delivery, to overcome the challenges of the intermittent connection and the time-varying network topology. Here, at maximum time there does not exist a clear way from source to the destination. It also has a limitation in network resources. The DTN allows communication only if it is in the communication range. Because of this constraint there is a chance of dipping the received packets by the selfish or malicious nodes. Finally this leads to attacks. Malicious nodes within a DTN may attempt to delay or destroy data in transit to its destination. Such attacks include dipping data, saturating the network with extra messages, humiliating routing tables, and imitating network acknowledgments. Misbehaving nodes consume network resources, plummeting its concert and accessibility; therefore they constitute an important problem that should be considered.Many approaches are proposed to solve the problems which are occurred in DTN.In this paper I am focus on delay tolerant network architecture and its working and also focus on malicious or selfish node behavior.
Prerana S. Jagadale, PrashantJawalkar
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