ISSN ONLINE(2320-9801) PRINT (2320-9798)
A QoS Based Proactive VHOM Scheme for Interworking of WiMAX/WLAN Networks
The coexistence of heterogeneous technologies is the trend in fourth-generation wireless network (4G). An advanced heterogeneous approach has been proposed for fourth generation of wireless network by considering the integration of WiMAX and WLAN. In this paper, we examine different important issues for the interworking of WiMAX and WLAN networks and address an architecture which is tightly coupled interworking architecture. Further, a seamless and proactive vertical handoff scheme is designed based on the architecture with aims to provide the best quality of service. In handoff process, both the performance of applications as well as network conditions is examined. To provide the best connection, an Ad-hoc network technology has been implemented. A simulation study has proved that the proposed scheme can keep station always being the best connected.
Naresh Prasad Das, K. Lokesh Krishna, Dr.K.Anuradha
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