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A Reengineering Process of Online Registration Services
In the past few years, in almost every semester, the University of Baghdad (UOB) has accepted thousands of students. All these years the registration procedures have been carried out through computerized systems, in a way students waste time through shifting the schedule book to decide which courses to register. Almost all students want to be registered virtually at the same time, which creates chaos. In order to overcome such matters, extra staff members are assigned to help in reducing the workload and time during the registration period. This solution still causes other problems such as higher costs for the additional expenses, wages, and time consumption for both students and employees. The project attempts to analyze, evaluate and reengineer the current e-Registration system at the University of Baghdad. This effort aims to identify weaknesses and difficulties in order to suggest and recommend solutions to improve the current process and strategically add services to the university’s competitive advantage. In this study efforts were made to apply the business process reengineering practice (BPR) to this system. This process is used to automate many of the manual registration tasks such as admissions, early registrations, addition of chair process and the payment system to resolve some major problems that were faced by students during the registration process.