ISSN ONLINE(2320-9801) PRINT (2320-9798)
A Review of Various Algorithms Used to Optimize RWA Problem in WDM Network
Wavelength Division Multiplexing (WDM) is expected to be a popular technique for constructing large optical networks interconnecting a large number of nodes. With suitable optical cross connects (OXC) at the nodes, such a network will allow very flexible switching of the various wavelengths and light-paths between the active sourcedestination pairs. This flexibility in routing will make these networks easy to configure and operate and will also improve the reliability of the network by providing easy-to-set-up alternate paths in case of node and link failures. This paper discuss various nature inspired algorithms to optimize the RWA problem WDM network where traffic conditions are static or may change dynamically as a wavelength assignment problem. Aim of the algorithms explained in this paper is to reduce blocking probability, increase throughput and make the network more efficient for communication.
Reeta Rani, Harjeevan Singh
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