ISSN: 2319-9865
A Review on Anticancer Property of Colostrum
Colostrumis can be defined as ‘the early milk which is secreted at the time of parturition’, which works as an immune booster in post-natal health, and additionally is rich in antibodies. It provides passive immunity to the newborn, also called as “foremilk”. Bovine Colostrum (BC) contains high amount of proteins, immunoglobulin, lactoferrin and growth factors which are essential for specific functions. Many studies have suggested that colostrum components like antimicrobial factors, immunoglobulin and growth factor not only benefits physically active person but also used in the treatment of autoimmune disorders while antimicrobial factors provide passive immunity and protection against infections during the first few days of life. Lactoferrin, has been investigated as novel therapeutic and it also has anticarcinogenic properties against colon and other cancers. In this review main focus is on the beneficial effects of colostrum supplementation in the treatment of cancer.
Prashant Agarwal, Ritika Gupta
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