A Review on Nanoparticles in Targeted Drug Delivery System
To improve the pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamics activity of the drug medication system like nanoparticles has made a break through by means of physical application. By means of targeted drug delivery system the targeted drug delivery will be achieved quickly. To maintain a controlled and sustain the rate of drug exposure on the site of action nanoparticles are used. That’s the reason why the nanotechnology became as the most advanced in the field of medicine by maintaining the therapeutic benefits. Scientists performing many trails in the field of nanotechnology to reformulate the existing essential drugs to minimize the adverse effects and to increase the therapeutic effects. Some of the innovative concepts like nano-delivery, sustain release, etc have already became a breakthrough. The main concept of the paper is to elevate the basic concepts to use in the field of nanoparticles preparation and advantages.
Sriharitha and Preethi J
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