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Research Article Open Access

A Review on Optimization of Machining Parameters in EDM


Electro Discharge Machining or EDM is a machining method primarily used for hard metals or those that would be impossible to machine with traditional techniques. So, Electro Discharge machining (EDM) is one of the important non-traditional machining processes which is used for machining difficult to machine materials like composites and inter-metallic materials. EDM spark erosion is the same as having an electrical short that burns a small hole in a piece of metal it contacts. In the EDM process both the work piece material and the electrode material must be conductors of electricity. Intricate profiles used in prosthetics, bio-medical applications can be done in EDM. Also Electro Discharge Machining (EDM) find a wide range of applications for production of complicated shapes, micro holes with high accuracy in various electrically conductive materials and high- strength temperature-resistant alloys. This paper reviews the various notable works in the field of EDM. And also gives future scope in the EDM.

Trupti G Raut , M Y Shinde

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