ISSN: 2319-9865

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Review Article Open Access

A Review on Parkinson's Disease



Parkinson's disease is a neurological issue with developing layers of multifaceted nature. It has long been portrayed by the classical motor features of Parkinsonism connected with Lewy bodies and loss of dopaminergic neurons in the substantia nigra. However, symptomatology of Parkinson's disease is presently perceived as heterogeneous, with clinically significant non-motor features. Correspondingly, its pathology includes broad regions of the sensory system, different neurotransmitters, and protein totals other than just Lewy bodies. The reason for Parkinson's disease stays obscure, yet danger of building up Parkinson's disease is no more seen as fundamentally because of environmental factors. Rather, Parkinson's disease appears to come about because of a complicated interaction of hereditary and environmental factors influencing various major cell forms. The unpredictability of Parkinson's disease is accompanied by clinical difficulties, including a failure to make a conclusive determination at the most punctual phase of the sickness and troubles in the management of indications at later stages.

Ajlan A

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