ISSN ONLINE(2278-8875) PRINT (2320-3765)
This paper deals with the introduction of trans-diode in the feedback loop of an operational amplifier. It includes the basic concepts of an operational amplifier having diode in the feedback circuit, including the diode acting as a transistor. The actual part deals with the stability of this trans-diode amplifier. The paper also deals with the various oscillatory problems which hampers the stability of this amplifier. Also a circuit has been described which deals about the reduction of this oscillations by the use of a proper feedback and coupling capacitor. The paper also includes the practical reading of the output of the system giving the feedback effect. Also the simulation is done on the ps-pice simulator and the output is shown. Also the graph of the change of output with respect to time is shown of both the circuits (one of the oscillatory circuit and other without oscillations).
Mr. Chetan Ambekar, Mr. Vedant Kalyankar, MR. Prathamesh Sawant
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