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Review Article Open Access

A Review on Zooplankton Studies of Freshwater Bodies of India


Zooplanktons are the primary consumers of aquatic ecosystem. Zooplanktons are the plankton consisting of small animals and the immature stages of larger animals. Zooplanktons play a significant role in food chain and also assess the ecological status of water bodies. Zooplanktons are the bio indicators of pollution and water quality. Present study reveals on the freshwater zooplanktons in India. Zooplankton population is very valuable indicators of food web stability. Zooplanktons are affected by many environmental factors such as pH, temperature, salinity; oxygen etc. Zooplanktons are playing important role on food chain, energy transfer between primary and tertiary trophic levels. Zooplanktons are also important role in analysis of health status of water bodies.

Anand N Dede*

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