ISSN ONLINE(2320-9801) PRINT (2320-9798)
A Scalable Approach for Effective Content Delivery Using Enhanced Distributed Load Balancing Mechanism
The challenging issue of defining and implementing an effective law for load balancing in Content Delivery Networks (CDNs). We base our proposal on a formal study of a CDN system, carried out through the exploitation of a fluid flow model characterization of the network of SERVERS. Starting from such characterization, we derive and prove a lemma about the network queues equilibrium. This result is then lever- aged in order to devise a novel distributed and time-continuous algorithm for load balancing, which is also reformulated in a time-discrete version. The discrete formulation of the proposed balancing law is eventually discussed in terms of its actual implementation in a real-world scenario. Finally, the overall approach is validated by means of simulations.
D.Amrita, A.Aruna
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