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Research Article Open Access

A Secure Visual Cryptography Scheme for Sharing Secret Image using RSA


Visual Cryptography is one of the techniques that can be used for securing image-based secrets. The scheme Visual Cryptography is used to encrypt a secret image or document by breaking into shares. In order to take the advantage of this property, the third party can recover the secret image if the shares of secret image are passing in sequence over a network. This paper presents an approach to encrypt generated image shares of Visual Cryptography using Public key Encryption. We used RSA algorithm in order to provide the double security of the document. Hence, shares of secret image are not exist in their actual form for third parties (those who try to create fake shares) to make alteration. The proposed scheme provides shares that are more secure and robust against number of attacks. This scheme also provides strong security for the documents, handwritten-text, images etc. that exists in the public network.

Siddaram Shetty, Minu P Abraham

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