e-ISSN:2320-1215 p-ISSN: 2322-0112
A Short Review on Mouth Dissolving Tablets
The main aim of floating drug delivery system is to develop a new dosage form which is convenient in administration and manufacturing, should free from side effects and should exhibit immediate release with better patient compliance and enhanced bioavailability. Tablets are the most widely accepted dosage forms in oral drug delivery system due to its numerous advantages. But beside the advantages there a few disadvantages like sudden exposure of allergies, mental disability, motion sickness, unconsciousness, lack of water etc. In order to overcome such difficulties new drug delivery systems like fast dissolving tablets were developed. As this dosage form shows a very rapid rate of disintegration when they placed over the tongue without aid of water they became most popular and convenient dosage forms for geriatrics and paediatrics with improved patient compliance
Harita B
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