ISSN ONLINE(2320-9801) PRINT (2320-9798)
A Simulation Model for the Spiral Software Development Life Cycle
Software engineering provides methodologies, concepts and practices, which are used for analysing, designing, building and maintaining the information in a software industry. Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) model is an approach used in the software industry for the development of various size projects: small scale projects, medium scale projects and large scale projects. A software project of any size is developed with the co-ordination of development team. Therefore it is important to assign resources intelligently to the different phases of the software project by the project manager. This study proposes a model for the spiral development process with the use of a simulator (Simphony.NET), which helps the project manager in determining how to increase the productivity of a software firm with the use of minimum resources (expert team members). This model increase the utilization of different development processes by keeping all development team members busy all the time, which helps in decrease idle and waste time. As future work, many other SDLC models like incremental, prototype etc. will be simulated, in order to find which simulation model is best for the software firm.
Sonia Thind, Karambir
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