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A Strategy to Push Box from One Place to Destination with the Swarm of Robots
The paper proposes a strategy for transporting a large object to a goal using large number of mobile robots. Robots will communicate with each other and push the object towards goal. The paper aims at combining biological phenomenon of ant colony carrying food from one place to another and robotics to develop a system which can work more efficiently and user friendly for industrial/construction applications. This paper deals with a Swarm of robots which work together on designed algorithm to search for randomly spread blocks and push those blocks to some predefined locations. Source will be different and destination is fixed. The system will be completely autonomous and will inter communicate to complete the task in accordance with the designed algorithm. The robots will traverse in different directions in search of blocks. If a block is detected by any one of them, the robot will send its positions to other robots, also it will send message to the robots that it is busy and they can search for another blocks. After that it will start pushing block towards goal. In this way, object will be transported towards goal.