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A Survey on Effective Improvement in Network Congestion Dominance Routing Protocol in MANET
A mobile ad hoc network (MANET) is determined as a network that has many free autonomous nodes i.e. that can move locations and configure itself. It is often composed of mobile devices that can arrange themselves in various ways using wireless connections such as a cellular or satellite transmission to connect to various networks and operate without strict top-down network or any centralized administration. There are various applications of MANET, In Commercial Sector: Ad hoc can be implemented in emergency, rescue operations for disaster relief efforts, e.g. in fire, flood, or earth-quake. Local Level: e.g. conference or classroom. In mobile ad hoc network, congestion can take place between two intermediate nodes, Congestion occurs when bandwidth is insufficient and network data traffic exceeds capacity. This paper mainly studies and compares the performance of MANET routing protocols namely PSR, DSR, DSDV and AODV under various traffic loads with various maximum TCP congestion window size to improve congestion control in the routing. The metrics used to compare routing protocol performance are packet delivery ratio, average routing load, the average end-to-end time required with delay and average network throughput and mainly to overcome congestion situation and avoid packet loss in wireless networks.