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A Survey on E-Voting System Using Arduino Software
There are lots of methods to avoid fraudulence in voting systems, but we are not able to eradicate it completely. The objective of this project is to improve the security performance in the voting machine as well as to provide easy access to cast the vote by using finger print. Fingerprint is one of the unique identities of a human being which is being used in the aadhar system. By using arduino software and by using image processing we capture the finger print of every individual and the face of the individual is being captured. The polling of the vote is transmitted to PC through arduino communication. Face of the person captured is compared to aadhar details using LabVIEW. We also know about individual persons full details in the personal computer. In future, it could also be implemented using eye trace which will give more accurate results.
Rathna Prabha. S, Trini Xavier. X, Deepika. V, Iswarya. C
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