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A Survey on Latest DoS Attacks:Classification and Defense Mechanisms
Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) is defined as an attack in which mutiple compromised systems are made to attack a single target to make the services unavailable foe legitimate users.It is an attack designed to render a computer or network incapable of providing normal services. DDoS attack uses many compromised intermediate systems, known as botnets which are remotely controlled by an attacker to launch these attacks. DDOS attack basically results in the situation where an entity cannot perform an action for which it is authenticated. This usually means that a legitimate node on the network is unable to reach another node or their performance is degraded. The high interruption and severance caused by DDoS is really posing an immense threat to entire internet world today. Any compromiseto computing, communication and server resources such as sockets, CPU, memory, disk/database bandwidth, I/O bandwidth, router processing etc. for collaborative environment would surely endanger the entire application. It becomes necessary for researchers and developers to understand behaviour of DDoSattack because it affects the target network with little or no advance warning. Hence developing advanced intrusion detection and prevention systems for preventing, detecting, and responding to DDOS attack is a critical need for cyber space. Our rigorous survey study presented in this paper describes a platform for the study of evolution of DDoS attacks and their defense mechanisms.
Rajkumar, ManishaJitendra Nene
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