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A Survey on Location Based Services on Smart Phone: City Lense
The basic mechanism of using the mobile handsets and phones is to deliver the valuable services. city lense refer to a set of application that exploit the knowledge of the geographical position of a mobile device in order to provide valuable services based on that information. citylense provide the mobile clients personalized services according to their current location. They also handle a new area for developers, cellular service network operators, and service providers to develop and provide value-added service: advising clients of current traffic conditions, providing routing information, helping the user to find nearby shopping malls. Location-based services on smart phone: - city lense offer many merits to the mobile clients.
Vishal Vijay Patil, Shoaib Sharif Shaikh, Kajal Pradeep Sonawane, Ashwini Rajaram Patil,D. B. Bagul
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