ISSN ONLINE(2320-9801) PRINT (2320-9798)
A Survey on Machine Learning: Concept,Algorithms and Applications
Over the past few decades, Machine Learning (ML) has evolved from the endeavour of few computer enthusiasts exploiting the possibility of computers learning to play games, and a part of Mathematics (Statistics) that seldom considered computational approaches, to an independent research discipline that has not only provided the necessary base for statistical-computational principles of learning procedures, but also has developedvarious algorithms that are regularly used for text interpretation, pattern recognition, and a many other commercial purposes and has led to a separate research interest in data mining to identify hidden regularities or irregularities in social data that growing by second. This paper focuses on explaining the concept and evolution of Machine Learning, some of the popular Machine Learning algorithms and try to compare three most popular algorithms based on some basic notions. Sentiment140 dataset was used and performance of each algorithm in terms of training time, prediction time and accuracy of prediction have been documented and compared.
Kajaree Das, Rabi Narayan Behera
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