ISSN ONLINE(2320-9801) PRINT (2320-9798)
A Survey on Object Detection and Tracking Methods
The goal of object tracking is segmenting a region of interest from a video scene and keeping track of its motion, positioning and occlusion.The object detection and object classification are preceding steps for tracking an object in sequence of images. Object detection is performed to check existence of objects in video and to precisely locate that object. Then detected object can be classified in various categories such as humans, vehicles, birds, floating clouds, swaying tree and other moving objects. Object tracking is performed using monitoring objects’ spatial and temporal changes during a video sequence, including its presence, position, size, shape, etc.Object tracking is used in several applications such as video surveillance, robot vision, traffic monitoring, Video inpainting and Animation. This paper presents a brief survey of different object detection, object classification and object tracking algorithms available in the literature including analysis and comparative study of different techniques used for various stages of tracking.
Himani S. Parekh, Darshak G. Thakore , Udesang K. Jaliya