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A Survey on Prediction of Bus Arrival Time using Global Positioning System (GPS)
Buses are an affordable means of public transport used by majority of the population in cities. Bus services are provided in many cities and have been proved to be an excellent means of transport; however, the commuters are uncertain about the arrival time of the buses, which leads to usage of private vehicles or taxis, thus leading to an increase in fuel consumption and pollution. Rather than waiting for buses it would be beneficial for passengers to know the tentative arrival times of the buses. Thus, for the convenience of citizens this application is proposed, which tracks the locations of the user as well as the bus using GPS sensors, and then calculate the approximate time required by the bus to reach the stop including the traffic analysis and various other parameters. Thus, the commuters can be aware about the waiting time for their respective buses, helping them in planning their journey accordingly.
Pritesh Chauhan, Rajat Dange, Advait Deshmukh, Vimal Chandrashekharam
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