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A Survey on Various Routing Protocols for Geographic Routing and Predicting Node Lifetime in MANET
Mobile Ad Hoc Networks is a self-configuring infrastructureless network of nodes connected through wireless link. Each node in the network can act as router as well as host. The data transfer from source to destination is performed by the intermediate nodes through the routing process. The routing table maintains a record of routes to various destinations in the network. Permanent topology could not be maintained as the nodes in MANET moves without giving any notice to its cooperative nodes and these changes may significantly reduce the performance of a routing protocol.Every node in the MANET is normally power-driven by batteries which have restricted energy reservoir. It becomes very challenging to restore or replace the battery life of nodes which involves in routing in such circumstances energy conservation is critical. So the lifetime and energy consumption of mobile nodes becomes a significant issue in transmission. Hence, a measurement study is performed on several routing protocols.
S.Priyadarshini, Prof.A.Alice Gavya
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