ISSN ONLINE(2320-9801) PRINT (2320-9798)
Achieving Remote Data Integrity Verification and Eradicating Semihonest Attack in Multicloud Storage
Data Storage outsourcing in cloud computing is a rising trend which prompts a number of interesting security issues. Provable data possession (PDP) is a method for ensuring the integrity of data in storage outsourcing. Remote integrity checking is crucial in cloud storage, here using multi cloud. It can help the clients to check their whole outsourced data by without downloading. This research addresses the construction of efficient PDP which called as RSA Based-PDP (RSA-PDP) mechanism for distributed cloud storage to support data migration and scalability of service. Uploading data are stored in different blocks in multicloud. The generation of tags with the length irrelevant to the size of data blocks. To reduce the memory space by using variable length block verification based on hashing algorithm. Cloud service provider is semi honest server so attacker can easily attack data. Here the data are secured from datamining attacker.
P.Shanmugapriya, C.Kavitha
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