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Case Report Open Access

Acinetobacter Corneal Ulcer, An Ocular Involvement by An Uncommon Organism: A Case Report


Acinetobacter is a gram-negative bacteria genus that belongs to the Gamma proteobacteria class. Under magnification, Acinetobacter species are oxidase-negative, have twitching motility, and occur in pairs. They are significant soil organisms that aid in the mineralization of aromatic compounds, for example. Acinetobacter species, particularly Acinetobacter baumannii, are a major source of infection in hospitalised debilitated patients. Corneal ulcers are inflammatory or infective conditions of the cornea that involve rupture of the epithelial layer and involvement of the corneal stroma. It is a frequent ailment among humans, especially in tropical and rural countries. Children with Vitamin A deficiency in underdeveloped nations are at a higher risk of developing corneal ulcers and becoming blind in both eyes, which can last a lifetime.

Mahsa Sardarinia, Gholamhoseyn Aghai, Leila Ghiasian*, Alireza Mohseniansisakht

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