ISSN ONLINE(2320-9801) PRINT (2320-9798)
Adaptation Backoff Exponent Mechanism in Zigbee Sensor Network for Improving Through put
Wireless sensor network is an emerging technology which consists of activities like sensing, computing, instrumenting and observing low power sensor nodes. In wireless sensor networks, maintaining the higher throughput is the main concern. Throughput of the network which is obtained from the wireless sensor network is vital issue which must be high which is measured in data packets per second in this context. The network of wireless sensors which is to be considered in this research mainly based on zigbee protocol and IEEE 802.15.4 standard and treated with cluster tree topology which is considered as a most suitable zigbee topology. The problem that sensors usually face in wireless sensor network is that when data packets are transferred from one node to another node, the throughput of the wireless sensor network decreases because of packet collisions and high network traffic. So we have proposed improved ABE mechanism which uses IEEE 802.15.4 slotted CSMA/CA to obtain the better throughput of zigbee based wireless sensor network.
Priyanka Deshpande, Mangala S. Madankar
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