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Research Article Open Access

Advanced Task Scheduling in Heterogeneous Multiprocessor Systems Using Evolutionary Algorithms


Scheduling is the process which improves the performance of parallel and distributed systems. Multiprocessor is a powerful computing for real-time applications and their high performance is purely based on parallel and distributed systems. Number of scheduling tasks in homogeneous and heterogeneous multiprocessor systems is an important problem in computing because this problem is a NP-hard problem.The execution time for individual tasks in a network are specified in a vector and refer only to the computation time. To increase the performance, reducing the processing time of the program is the main aim of scheduling. In this process we are computing rank for all nodes starting from exit node. An advanced task scheduling in heterogeneous multiprocessor by using P-HEFT Algorithm is proposed to minimize the execution time and increase the processor utilization and load balancing for more no of tasks.

N Srinivasu, G.Krishna Chaitanya

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