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Case Report Open Access

Aesthetic Replacement For Missing Primary Teeth- A Novel Approach


A Pediatric Dentist’s greatest restorative challenge is the esthetic rehabilitation of a pre-schooler, who has lost anterior tooth/teeth subsequent to early childhood caries or extensive dental trauma. An anterior esthetic fixed or removable appliance is often the choice to replace lost tooth/teeth. Other important considerations replacing anterior teeth may include problems in speech and development of pernicious oral habits. The options presently available have their own limitations like poor patient compliance or retention of the appliance. Thus this paper discusses about modification of latest splint- it type of fiber reinforced composite (FRC) space maintainer with combination of orthodontic wires to aid in retention and longevity of the appliance.

Dr. Jyothsna V Setty, Dr. Ila Srinivasan, Dr. Arihanth Bhandary

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