ISSN ONLINE(2320-9801) PRINT (2320-9798)
Current Web services are created and updated on the run. Web service mining is a relatively new area of research. Web services present an entirely new area in research. It is process aimed at discovering interesting and useful compositions in existing Web services. The Web service composition approaches are very useful where primary goals are unavailable or unknown. It differs from the conventional top down approaches driven by specific a criterion. The service does not assume any prior knowledge and instead of searching specific compositions, it relies on component services to explore data and the result may vary from a simple composition to a complex one. Business establishments realized the potential of the Web and took advantage of its popularity by sharing their data and applications on the Web. The web from its starting position as s a repository of information with text and images, evolved into a host for providing multimedia content and service providing application like map-finding, weather-reporting, e-commerce etc. Real-time applications involved hardware devices like temperature sensors and traffic monitoring cameras. Business and government integrated existing Web applications to provide new valueadded services. Customized interfaces required applications to access this data and the lack of semantics in data made integration of the applications a overwhelming challenge. This Paper presents a novel approach in Web service mining by introducing a Web service.
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