ISSN ONLINE(2320-9801) PRINT (2320-9798)
“AN APPROACH TO UTILIZE MD5 GENERATOR FOR UTILITY OPITIMIZATION”is a web application to automate the process of managing the infrastructure facilities in the Training Hall. The software developed will help in allotment of Systems to the users of the Hall, surrendering of the systems after the usage, monitoring of Hardware devices and Application software installed in the systems. It also aims to register complaints in the system and monitoring of the attending to the complaints by the Hardware Engineer. The System will help to register user details. In case User is a Programmer, the Project details and the Project Head to whom he/she is reporting. The System allows the users to login with their details and can register their system complaints and follow up their complaint till it is attended. Several levels are being designed which consists of modules like user login, system allotment, monitoring of hardware, system software, complaints and attendance is being registered. Final report is being submitted.
K.Sukanya Dr.R.Indra Gandhi
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