ISSN ONLINE(2320-9801) PRINT (2320-9798)
An Effective Approach for Video Copy Detection and Identification of Misbehaving Users
Fast development in the field of multimedia technology has become easier to store and access large amount of video data. This technology has editing and duplication of video data that will cause to violation of digital rights. So, copy rights security becomes a critical problem for the huge volume of video data. This has led to the requiring Video Copy Detection has been actively learned in a large range of the multimedia applications. The Auto dual-threshold method is utilized and it is segmenting the videos into segments with the content of homogeneous and then the key frame is extract from every segment. The SIFT features are extracted from that segments of key frames. Then Propose an SVD-based technique to match two video frames with the SIFT point set descriptors. To obtain the video sequence matching result propose a graph- based method. It is used to convert the video sequence into identifying the longest path in the frames to identify the video matching-result with time constraint. As the Proposed Work, suppose if the query video is matched then server identifies the unauthorized user and block that identified user at particular time. I.e. based on timestamp, again the same user queries the same video then that particular user timing will increases (i.e. 2 in to previous block time). Here we additionally provide opportunity to all users’ i.e. (user’s tries to login 3 attempts). Suppose if attempt of user is crossed the limit then that particular user will discard from the network.
S.Sujatha, G.Kalaiarasi
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