ISSN ONLINE(2320-9801) PRINT (2320-9798)
An Efficient Attack Detection Method in Proactive Source Routing Protocol for Mobile Adhoc Networks
The main objective of this project is to provide a data transmission for mobile devices and avoid the packet loss. Data forwarding regulates how packets are taken from one link and put on another. Routing determines what path a data packet should follow from the source node to the destination.Proactive source routing protocol is used to find the neighbor and neighbor‟s neighbor by sending HELLO request and also this protocol reduce the routing overhead and time delay. Dynamic distribution detection technique is used to detect the attacked node from the network for avoiding the data losses and Flooding attack detection technique is used to prevent many attacked node in network. This frame work can improves timeliness of data delivery by reducing waiting time of the nodes which to be in the communication.
S.Kanagalakshmi, N.Pappu Sivanantham
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