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Research Article Open Access

An Efficient Safe and Secured Video Steganography Using Shadow Derivation


Steganography is the art of hiding the fact that communication is taking place, by concealing information in other information. This paper focus on Secret sharing technique is used to hide information. Secret sharing is a technique for splitting a message into several parts so that all parts are sufficient to recover the message. The current study presents the design and implementation of a steganographic procedure that can automatically analyze a video and hide images efficiently and effectively inside it for application in a digital records environment. Video Fragmentation is used to extract frames (convert video into images) from video for carrier. The secret color image pixels will be converted to m-ary notational system. The (t-1) digits of secret color image pixels are generated using reversible polynomial function. Reversible polynomial function and the participant’s numerical key are used to generate secret shares. The secret image and the cover image is embedded together to construct a stego image. All stego images are embedded to construct video. The reversible image sharing process is used to reconstruct the secret image and cover video. The secret is obtained by the Lagrange’s formula generated from the sufficient secret shares. Quantization process is applied to enhance the nature of the cover video.

Rohit G Bal, Dr P Ezhilarasu

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