ISSN ONLINE(2320-9801) PRINT (2320-9798)
An Efficient Security Scheme Authentication and Encryption
Smart grid communication facilitate intelligent and distributed electric power transmission systems, but also introduces many security problems. In this paper the concept of dynamic secret is applied to design dynamic secret based authentication and encryption scheme for smart grid wireless communication. Between two parties of communication, the previous packets are coded as retransmission sequence, where retransmitted packet is marked as “1” and the other is marked as “0.” During the communication, the retransmission sequence is generated at both sides to update the dynamic encryption key. Any missing or misjudging in retransmission sequence would prevent the adversary from achieving the keys. In addition with this we introduce a new protocol, Integrated Authentication and Confidentiality (IAC), to provide efficient secure AMI communications in smart grid. With the help of IAC, an AMI(Advanced Metering Infrastructure) system can provide trust services, data privacy, and integrity by mutual authentications whenever a new smart meter initiates and joins the smart grid AMI network.
Shraddha Bagwe, Dr.J.W.Bakal
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