ISSN ONLINE(2278-8875) PRINT (2320-3765)
An Efficient Utilization Of Vehicle to Grid Technology On Distribution Systems
Plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs) are connected to the electricity grid. The power flow of this connection can be either unidirectional or bidirectional, so vehicles can charge and discharge. This vehicle-to-grid option can aid to improve grid efficiency and reliability. Plug-in vehicles can behave either as loads or as a distributed energy and power resource in a concept known as vehicle-to-grid (V2G) connection. The use of electric vehicles (EVs, both purely electric and hybrid) which have to charge from the grid and may also inject power back to it in order to provide valuable services to ensure system stability and avoid congestion (“vehicle-to-grid”, V2G), is expected to grow. A scenario is provided that the market penetration of about 3.3 million EVs is achieved in 2020, increasing to 50 million EVs in 2030 (with a share of about 60% of these electric vehicles being PHEVs). Smart charging is assumed to become standard after 2020. The PHEV typically have a higher capacity onboard energy storage than a hybrid electric vehicle. This also offers reactive power support, active power regulation, and load balancing.
R.Sree Ganesh, T.R.Rashmi
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