ISSN ONLINE(2278-8875) PRINT (2320-3765)
An Embedded Based Web Server Using ARM 9 with SMS Alert System
The aim of our project is to develop embedded network video monitoring terminal which is cost effective and efficient video transmission system without latency and jitter. Digitalization network video monitoring system, which has advantages of unlimited distance control, flexible extension and so on, is becoming a new standard of security system. Due to limitations of network bandwidth, video signals collected must be compressed to achieve real-time video transmission on the network. to maintain the high quality of the compressed signal and to minimize the amount of data an embedded network video monitoring terminal consisting of dedicated MPEG-4 compression ,LPC 2148 MICRO CONTROLLER, 32-bit embedded ARM9 processor, network IC (DM 9000),PIR sensor, GSM modem etc. Its corresponding software has been developed. The video captured through the camera is processed and it is transmitted into the internet. The PIR sensor is used to detect the motion present in-front of the camera and it triggers the GSM modem to send the notification to the authorized users. Test results show that our terminal can better utilize TCP/IP network bandwidth.
K. Subbulakshmi
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