ISSN ONLINE(2320-9801) PRINT (2320-9798)
An Energy Improvement in Cache System by Using Write Through Policy
This project presents an energy efficient L2 cache memory using way tag information under write through policy. Many high-performance microprocessors employ cache write-through policy for performance improvement and at the same time achieving good tolerance to soft errors in on-chip caches. In this project, propose new cache architecture referred to as way tagged cache to improve the energy efficiency of write-through caches. By maintaining the way tags of L2 cache in the L1 cache during read operations, the proposed technique enables L2 cache to work in an equivalent direct mapping manner during write hits, which account for the majority of L2 cache accesses. This leads to significant energy reduction without performance degradation. The idea of way tagging can be applied to existing low-power cache design techniques to further improve energy efficiency
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