ISSN ONLINE(2320-9801) PRINT (2320-9798)
An Enhanced Data Gathering Protocol for Wireless Sensor Network with Sink Mobility
In Wireless Sensor Network, sensor nodes have limited battery lifetime so energy consumption is one of the main issue in WSN. An energy efficient approach for data gathering can be achieved in WSN by using sink mobility. Currently researches focus on predicting mobile sink moving path in advance to obtain enhanced network. In many applications movement of mobile sink based on pre-calculated path is not applicable. In this paper an efficient data gathering protocol, Sinktrail and Sinktrail-S has been proposed when mobile sink’s further location cannot be scheduled in advance. Sinktrail allows sufficient flexibility in the movement of mobile sinks to dynamically adapt to various terrestrial changes and without requirements of GPS devices or predefined landmark, Sinktrail establishes a logical coordinate system for routing and forwarding data packets, making it suitable for diverse application scenarios.
Varshitha K, Madesha M
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