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Case Report Open Access

An Expansile Large Odontogenic Keratocyst Maxilla: A Case Report.


Odontogenic keratocyst is a common type of tooth derived cyst due to presence of odontogenic epithelium remnant in different regions of jaw. It may be unilocular or mulilocular and thus making a total of 31.5% of cystic lesions of jaw. Commonest site is mandible (66.8%) ,however different regions of maxilla can be involved. We report a case of a young patient coming with a swelling in the right cheek area, firm to hard in consistency and progressively increasing in size which was associated with pain and symptoms of nasal blockage. Radiological scans showed odontogenic keratocyst encroaching on maxillary sinus and palate that was later removed surgically and confirmed histologically. Odontogenic keratocyst can be easily confused with other lesions of maxillary sinus as sinusitis or antral polyps, which usually resemble symptomatically. There can be malignant transformation of this benign condition towards squamous cell carcinoma or ameloblastoma. So an early and accurate diagnosis of odontogenic keratocyst is a challenge for pathologists.

Nasib Chand Khabra, Ish Pandhi, Kiran DN, Sunil Alipuria, Bhawna Gulati, and Aastha Narula

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