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Special Issue Article Open Access

An Innovative Aim for Collecting and Retrieving Documents from Web Domain Using SSARC (Spontaneous Sorting and Retrieving Clock) Algorithm


This paper presents an algorithm for generating and grouping documents from the web. In current years, due to the immense accessible of large document collections and the need to effective operate on them (for instance: navigate, analyze, query and summarize), there has been an increased emphasis on developing efficient and effective clustering algorithms for large document collections. In our novel algorithm collects all the documents from the web then it sorts the documents in an alphabetical order and stores the documents in clockwise structure algorithm which can easily retrieve the documents related to the user’s query. This novel algorithm called as SSARC Algorithm, it is the expansion of “Spontaneous Sorting and Retrieving Clock” algorithm. We propose the overall architecture and depict two innovative algorithms which produce notable improvement over traditional clustering algorithms and form the basis for the query scrutinization and exploration of this algorithm.

V.Annapoorani1, Dr.A.Vijaya

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